What is a PUZZLE?

Dictionary definition for puzzle as a noun is – a game, toy, or problem designed to test ingenuity or knowledge.  But as parents, educators and even grandparents we know that puzzles are much more, they are good learning tools.  While playing educational toys, that includes puzzles, children retain more of the learned information.  Kids have so much fun playing they are not aware that they are learning.

Educational puzzles open the door to child’s imagination and provide hours of enjoyments. From an early age on through adulthood we love to play with puzzles. What we like is the challenge they provide our minds and the mental exercise.  They enhance one’s creative and strategic thinking.  

As a learning tool, puzzles develop and refine kids’ fine motor skills through manipulations of each piece, turning it to fit a design. They increase youngster’s visual, special awareness and develop deeper understanding of themes and topics. Puzzles requiring matching of two or three pieces together are used in teaching basic language and math skill while playing. 

A good example of puzzle as an educational tool is children working together to solve a puzzle that promotes cooperative play, teaches kids to deal with frustration and provide support.   Puzzles are good in boosting self-confidence and self-esteem. Nothing gives child a greater satisfaction than sense of accomplishment being able to achieve the goal.  Skills learned playing puzzles in an early age assist individuals in learning important life skill.  Visit LearningToyFun.com to explore available educational puzzles.
